
Do Not Miss : Top 6 Best Travel Destinations List

It’s never too late to start checking out for the perfect destinations to add to your Travel Destinations List. It doesn’t depend whether you want to go on a tour to Colosseum, or want to see the world from the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, or want to walk on the side of the Great Wall Of China.

Most of us have an intense desire to visit at least some places of our choice before we die, and that is what we call as “Bucket list.” Experts say that one should spend his money on visiting travels rather than spending them on things. Traveling is a way through which we can experience different colors of the world; more than that, traveling is a way to get yourself colored in the beauty of the world.

To get started, we have collected the ultimate travel bucket list having the collection of the most top-rated destinations that you would crave intensely for visiting.


To determine the top destinations, we compiled the most recent data we could find on the number of visitors traveling in various places annually.

  1. EGYPT’S PYRAMIDS OF GIZA: When we step back in time in Giza, Egypt, with a history that dates back to the 26th century B.C. and beyond. Giza is one of the most renowned historic sites ever present on the globe.

It is standing just outside the Nile River from Cairo. Along with its exemplary pyramids, the Great Sphinx, and with some other historical monuments, the city proposes its travellers with a flourishing modern dining and entertainment venue. It is included in one of the seven wonders of the world. Standing now for 4,600 years, it’s construction has remained a mystery still.

Who would not want to include this iconic place in your Travel Destinations List?

  • Reasons to visit Giza: its Pyramids, parks, incredible history, desert adventure, and the Nile river are a few reasons that would attract one’s mind
  • When to visit? With its dry, hot desert climate, Giza is a full time tourist destination having higher tourist visits during the summer months of July and August, when temperatures lie between 75 and 90.
  1. GALAPAGOS ISLAND: These islands are worth planning for and are filled with mystic and magic that would automatically drive one crazy to visit there. This place has been a spot of fascination for many since the first man landed here, and that was Darwin back in 1845. So, do not miss to add this place to your travel destinations list.
  • Reasons to visit Galapagos: The incredible diversity of creatures and the scenic environment there are one of the significant reasons to plan a visit there.
  • When to visit? Galapagos is an excellent place that you can visit at any time of the year. Because the Island is located on the equator, the air and water temperatures remain steady relatively all year long.
  1. MACHU PICHU: No place on earth has a match like Machu Picchu. the best place to add to your Travel Destinations List in the upcoming year. It is situated in the mountains of Peru. The Inca Empire constructed the city at an altitude of 7,900 feet.

Even to this day, no one knows precisely why they risked their lives and build such a dramatic fortress, but one thing is sure that anyone who visits this incredible and fantastic site would not regret it and would keep it safe in the lock of memories till the end of their lives.

  • Reasons to visit Machu Pichu: It’s stunning location and the mountains have the power to defeat the beauty of all world and would give you the perfect option why you should visit there.
  • When to visit? The rainy season in Machu Picchu begins in the month of October and runs until April, but November to March is mostly the wettest months. July and August are the peak months when crowds are at the top, so you can think about visiting in September or late spring.
  1. GRAND CANYON: This is not just a place but a natural wonder you must see to believe. It is a vast, magnificent, and beautiful land stretching 277 miles end to end.

No matter how many days you plan your stay, there are plenty of ways to enjoy an adventure and taste the nectar of beautiful is the most loved and popular family vacation destination in the United States. Almost 6 million tourists come here every year to give their eyes a grand feast of the Canyon’s otherworldly landscapes in Northern Arizona.

  • Reasons to visit Grand Canyon: its natural beauty, educational trips, and perfect weather give a sheer delight to the eyes.
  • When to visit? The most favorable times to visit the Grand Canyon are March to May and September to November daytime as the temperatures are generally cold, and the crowds are thin.
  1. TAJ MAHAL: It is an immense mausoleum of white marble made by Shah Jahan in the remembrance of his most beloved wife, Mumtaj, between 1631 and 1648. It is situated in Agra, India. This is an exemplary monument of muslim architecture and is one of the most universally admired masterpieces of the world’s heritage.
  • Reasons to visit the Taj Mahal: It is an epitome of beauty and love personified with the historical records.
  • When to visit? Usually, the time of summers from May to July is best as in winter, the Taj Mahal gets covered with fog, and that interrupts the proper vision of such an exotic monument.
  1. GREAT WALL OF CHINA: this has initially been conceived by a Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang(c.259-210 B.C.) in the third century B.C. This wall is one of the best examples of extensive projects ever completed.
  • Reasons to visit the Great Wall of China: the reason is its large space that can be seen even from space. Entertainment and hiking are another most loved activity there.
  • When to visit? Spring and fall. One should avoid visiting here during the summer to avoid crowds.

We hope the Travel Destinations List which we discussed above, you will surely include in your bucket list to visit without fail. Do share your list in comments.

Do not miss to check out our post on destinations where you can plan to visit in upcoming 2021 “Finest 5 Travel Destinations 2021”

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